1. One of the prominent symbols in the story is the idea of hidden identities. There are many real world examples of hidden identities, especially in relationships such as having a different personality or unique hobby when around others. Literature and films have taken hidden identities within relationships a step further by having the partner unaware of the other's occupation such as being a spy or criminal. This work takes it even a step further towards the extreme by having the boyfriend known as the most dangerous criminal by most of the world except his girlfriend. The secret identity symbol is also adapted by the girlfriend, being that her real name is Nebula, not Suzanne.
2. The story revolves around a relationship that may break, especially with the discovery of the couple's true identities. The part that I connect with the most is having been through a break up. Of course I don't relate to the extreme reasonings to break up as in the story, but I do relate to maturing in to some one else during a relationship. After getting in to college I matured quite a bit while my girlfriend stayed behind and didn't grow much after high school. I became more focused on my future career and life goals, and my time and attention with my girlfriend dwindled. My changes connect on a certain level of the boyfriend in the story which lead to the contemplation of breaking up.
3. The medium that I would adapt this story to would be film. I would have to make it a lot more visual rather than it just being text or voice on a screen. The main change I would make is that the message is a personal recording of the boyfriend talking into a camera. When he brings up a new apology, then we cut to a scene where the event in the past unrolls in front of us, usually leaving out the narration of the boyfriend. During the video monologue I would have her reaction seen frequently, whether it's yelling at the video or trying to make her way out of the room.