Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Someone that people don’t know too well but have definitely heard his name is Ridley Scott. He is a great director and producer in Hollywood who has brought many stories to life such as Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, and American Gangster, and many more.
Who do you know that can bring a story of an Alien that is killing people on a space ship down to Earth in to our theatres so that we can experience the true terror the characters feel? Who else has the ability to bring the epic of a hero that would have fought 2000 years ago right to our bedroom televisions? Who else has the talent to take us living in 2015 to giving us a front row seat of the hardships of a drug smuggling gangster in the late 1960s? Scott has done all of that, and brought millions of people many other great lives and stories that have allowed us to step away from our own worlds to take a peek in to another.
Ridley Scott is not the greatest director of all time, but he is up there as one of the best visual ones. When he was making his best films, so were Steven Spielburg, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, and Francis Ford Coppola.  Scott had a lot of competition between the 1970s and early 2000s with these other directors. Although they were tough competition, the fact that Scott could still be recognized out of the bunch is incredible.
Scott’s style, which did set him apart from other artists in his industry, focused greatly on the visuals of science fiction, older crimes, and historical fiction. To get technical, his production design in all of his movies are so specific and at the same time, massive which is how Scott was so easily able to bring these worlds to live and put us in them through the theater screen. The way he has the camera move or not move adds another great element to his craft as a visual director. He tends to always have the camera moving., usually in a smooth motion. He rarely does hand held camera movement to keep it more unique and fitting for the shots and specific intense moments. His main purpose to keeping the camera moving is to keep up the life like pace so we as the audience are thrown in to the motion of the world rather then being a perfect, still viewer.

The last exciting thing I have to say about Scott is…that he’s still directing and producing! He’s 77 years old, and in the middle of producing quite a few projects at this moment in Hollywood. With him being in the same industry I aspire to be apart of, he is a great icon and role model to look up to with maintaining his creative touch in such a money focused and controlled industry.


  1. As a fellow film student and fan of Ridley Scott, it's easy to appreciate and see why he is so appreciated in the film industry. Look at Alien, at the last minute the protagonist was changed from a man to a woman, who would end up being played by Sigourney Weaver, as a way to trick the audience, for they would never expect a woman to be the only person to survive in a horror film. Scott is filmmaker with an IMDB page a mile long and nearly two dozen upcoming projects in his old age, not bad for someone getting close to 80. There aren't many filmmakers who have stayed in the industry that long, I myself can only name a handful including directors Spielberg, Lucas, Scorsese and Eastwood as well as Hollywood veteran cinematographer Roger Deakins.

  2. As a fellow film student and fan of Ridley Scott, it's easy to appreciate and see why he is so appreciated in the film industry. Look at Alien, at the last minute the protagonist was changed from a man to a woman, who would end up being played by Sigourney Weaver, as a way to trick the audience, for they would never expect a woman to be the only person to survive in a horror film. Scott is filmmaker with an IMDB page a mile long and nearly two dozen upcoming projects in his old age, not bad for someone getting close to 80. There aren't many filmmakers who have stayed in the industry that long, I myself can only name a handful including directors Spielberg, Lucas, Scorsese and Eastwood as well as Hollywood veteran cinematographer Roger Deakins.
